Gold medal honey

Since Apis Nativa began to participate in the World Beekeeping Contest, the company has been investing in the participation of a World competition of recognition of honey quality, as per the International Apicultural Congress Apimondia, thus the company has been awarded in the international beekeeping market by the its high quality honey products.

In the international competition, the company competed against honey from more than 100 (a hundred) countries, Apis Nativa earned Gold Medal and it was awarded as the World's Best Honey in several categories.

The awards ceremony took place in the Apimondia congress in Australia (2007), Ukraine (2013), South Korea (2015), Turkey (2017), Canada (2019) and Turkey (2022).

In the six editions of Apimondia Congress Apis Nativa received a total of 23 medals of recognition of quality for honey and beeswax.

The Honey was judged by an international panel, they evaluated flavor, appearance, texture, in front of all competitors, they also subjected a sample to laboratory analysis to prove its purity.

Apis Nativa performance is also well known in Brazil. In 2016 the company received the award for 'Outstanding Company in Agribusiness', by the best company performance.