
Apis Nativa Organic Honey Project

Apis Nativa Organic Honey Project

Apis Nativa has one of the largest project for Organic Production in the world. The number of beekeepers is has been receiving investments and increasing every year. Currently the company more thant 870 beekeepers with an amount of more than 499.000 beehives in 11 States of Brazil. Beekeepers certified by Organic Certifier of Apis Nativa are able to produce over 16.000.000 kg/year of organic honey.

Apis Nativa Organic Project (from the farm to the facility) is annualy inspected and certified by a well known and world respected organic Certifier.

All beekeepers are inspected at least once a year, having their facilities, equipment, apiaries mapping, production and feeding registered and well controlled and evaluated, as well as the beekeeping handling and migration control, by the colaborators of Apis Nativa, the specialized employees as “Technicians of Agricuture”, as well as by the own Certifier.