
Apis Nativa concluded its participation in two highly significant events in China.


Apis Nativa concluded its participation in two highly significant events in China, resulting in two intense weeks of learning and business opportunities. This participation took place during the business mission organized by Apex, which brought professionals from 11 companies to the Asian country, and at the 6th CIIE Shanghai, recognized as the world's largest multisectoral fair.

The first week was dedicated to learning in strategic cities such as Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. The focus was on understanding the commercial landscape in China and exploring the new platforms driving trade in the country. Organized by Alibaba, the e-commerce course provided insights into a consolidated market that impresses with its magnitude. Through theoretical classes and technical visits, Brazilian companies were guided on the necessary adaptations to participate in this gigantic global consumer niche. The lessons learned aim to enable a more significant and assertive presence in the Asian market.

In the following week, Apis Nativa was present at CIIE - China International Import Export, held in Shanghai. This fair, with impressive dimensions and global reach, provided Apis Nativa with a platform to showcase its products from the Gold Medal Honey line to the Chinese market. Over the five days of the event, the company faced the challenge of introducing honeys and honey-based products with fruits from the Honey+Fruits line, a global novelty. The positive reception and promising acceptance open excellent commercial prospects for the post-fair period. Apis Nativa, which already exports to the Chinese market, aims to expand its presence in the growing Asian market.